Wall Street Journal – What’s the Rush? The Power of a Slow Morning

As an antidote to our tech-obsessed society, slow-morning practitioners wake up early to meditate, read, exercise or do nothing at all.

In reaction to hectic, over-scheduled lives burdened by 24-7 technology, a counter movement is emerging: the slow morning.

Proponents spend time—sometimes hours—doing very little in the morning. Rising early, they relish beginning their day in quiet solitude, free of interruptions and deadlines. They say it provides a foundation for productivity, calm and focus that lasts the rest of the day.

Read the full article and quote from our Founder Geir Berthelsen, in the Wall Street Journal >

Read the quote from Geir >

Has technology made us too fast?

Somebody asked me recently; “Why has technology made us fast”?
It is very good question!

Before we try to understand what technology is, we have to understand what a technique is. A technique is a skill, it can be any skill, like drawing, programming, baking,
dancing designing etc. A technique does not need a technology but by adding “logy” which means collecting so if we collect a skill or technique we get Technology.

Technology is a systematic treatment of a skill or technique so it is really a physical manifestation of a skill or technique.

At first thought you would think that technology has made us slower with that I mean that technology has given us time. Time to enjoy life more.
To do the things we like and enjoy, but it has really made us more busy.

The lack of a basic understanding of what is important in life has made us fast.
It is about making a best possible life for families, cities, countries, our world and ourselves. We want technology to do the things we do not like to do, as fast as possible, so we can do the things we like to do more slowly.

The problem is that we not been able to develop a technology for making us Slow, i.e., less busy and less stressed.
There are many techniques that can be used to slow us down like mindfulness, meditation, walking, just being, but it has not yet been made in to a technology.

Before we can do that we have to redefine the way we think about time! We have to understand that time is an invention. We have to start thinking about time differently.
How can we redefine time in a way that helps us live better lives? How can we develop a technology that makes us less mechanical in our thinking

We can take some clues from how Ancient Greeks considered time – they had two time zones: the linear chronos but also kairos – the time when special events happen (the present moment).

The conclusion is that Technology based only on Chronological time has made us fast because the technology is based only on chronological time only. Chronological time is always based upon a start and an end and it is in our human nature to reach the end as fast as possible.

It is time to re-invent time!


Having taken the culinary world by storm, the “slow movement” is now being embraced by areas ranging from fashion to medicine and manufacturing, with surprising results in terms of productivity.

The pace of life has never been faster. We’re constantly connected to our offices with smartphones; we check our email first thing when we wake up and last thing before we go to bed. Our workdays are busier than ever, often stretching far into the night. We jet across entire continents to attend meetings, striving to do things faster and more efficiently, all the while bombarded by an unending flow of information.

What if, instead of rushing, we slowed down and savoured life? That’s the philosophy behind the slow movement – a radical re-appraisal of the pace at which human life is conducted. The movement is increasingly winning fans across the world. Rather than always trying to do things faster – and suffering burnout as a possible result – adherents advocate living, eating and working at a more humane pace.

The humane pace

The goal of the slow movement is to encourage people to live, eat and work at a more humane pace, rather than always trying to do things faster and suffering burnout as a possible result.

“People are realizing that we are not rats and life is not a race,” says Geir Berthelsen, founder of the World Institute of Slowness and a leading advocate of the slow movement. “We need a whole new mindset, away from the traditional perception of success and status where things like health, relationships and environment are regarded as subordinate.”

Read the full article on: http://evolution.skf.com/slowly-does-it

How we can use technology to improve our lives

Welcome to Life Well Lived: an ongoing conversation around how we can use technology to improve our lives. In part two of our series, we asked Geir Berthelsen, physicist and founder of The World Institute of Slowness, to give us technophiles some surprising tips on how to slow down.

Read the full article on medium.com

Norwegian Air – Inflight Magazine: Moving at the speed of slow

“Fast thinking is your autopilot – your automatic responses that dictate your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Slow thinking is what happens to you when you turn off your autopilot.”… Geir Berthelsen


Moving at the speed of slow

Read the full article here: https://www.lolaakinmade.com/latest-news/moving-at-the-speed-of-slow/

the guardian: Life in slow motion

Skipping lunch, working late and checking emails at home are now the norm for many of us – but can lowering the tempo actually make you more productive? Sally O’Reilly finds out


Our Top 11 ways to slow down

Here at The World Institute of Slowness we have put together our Top 11 favourite tips for a slower, more productive and happier life:


1 Don’t hurry. If you must then hurry slowly! Festina Lente

Rushing things always makes you less productive and prone to making mistakes.


2 Do nothing. Daydream

Daydreaming is your brain at it’s most productive! Allow period of time in your day for doing absolutely nothing. Let your mind slow down and wander wherever it wants.


3 Work-life balance

Countless studies show that the harder and longer you work, the less productive you become. Set yourself clear boundaries as to when work time finishes, and when your free time starts. Stick to these boundaries, stop yourself from peeking at your emails in the evening or wkds.


4 Don’t multitask.

Multitasking is a bad way to do nearly everything. Do one thing at a time and do it well. Be realistic about how long tasks take and allow yourself enough time to do each task well.

Slow down, take your time and focus 100% on one task at a time.


5 Sleep

Good quality sleep is vital in slowing down your brain and letting it reset itself. Make sure you try to get a good 8 hours each night and let yourself nap when you need to, (except for when you’re driving!).


6 Diary

Don’t cram your calendar full of meetings or events. Allow enough time before an event to prepare and enough time afterwards to reflect. Don’t rush from meeting to meeting.

There’s nothing wrong with an empty diary, enjoy the freedom it gives you. Remember you are your calendar. Your life is defined by how you spend your time.


7 Disconnect

Take control of your mobile. Turn it off, put it away, so you’re not tempted to have a sneaky peak. Take off your watch. Don’t be a slave to other people’s messages. Don’t look at work emails on holiday or wkds. That is YOUR time.


8 Don’t get distracted

Our modern world is full of distractions. You have to be disciplined to not allow yourself to be distracted by the general noise of life, your mobile phone, emails, but also by other people demanding your time.


9 Be early

Always plan to be 10 minutes early to every meeting (work or personal). You will be amazed at how much calmer you are. Enjoy the free time this gives you and use it to slow down time.


10 Slow time

Slow down your own personal time clock. Go for a slow walk, sit in a park, turn off your TV and mobile, just sit and think.


11 Give the gift of time

The best gift you can give to someone is your time. Give undistracted, quality time to your family, friends or colleagues.


If you have your own tips for slowing down we’d love to hear them.

Please get in touch >

San Francisco Chronical: Not so fast! Artisans tout benefits of keeping a sedate pace

‘Slow’ movement, familiar from Slow Food, is slowly catching on in the U.S.


The Irish Times – Slow down, you move too fast

Skipping lunch, working late and checking e-mails at home are now the norm for many of us – but can lowering the tempo actually make you more productive?

EVER THOUGHT that going slowly at work could help you get more done? No, me neither. We live in a hectic, 24/7 society, full of power-walking workaholics, where Madonna sleeps with a BlackBerry under her pillow and slowing down is for losers.


Boston Globe via Common dreams

Not So Fast: The Argument for Slowing Down in Virtually Every Aspect of Life.
